Package org.webrtc

Class CandidatePairChangeEvent


public final class CandidatePairChangeEvent extends Object
Representation of a change in selected ICE candidate pair. CandidatePairChangeEvent in the C++ API.
  • Field Details

    • local

      public final IceCandidate local
    • remote

      public final IceCandidate remote
    • lastDataReceivedMs

      public final int lastDataReceivedMs
    • reason

      public final String reason
    • estimatedDisconnectedTimeMs

      public final int estimatedDisconnectedTimeMs
      An estimate from the ICE stack on how long it was disconnected before changing to the new candidate pair in this event. The first time an candidate pair is signaled the value will be 0.
  • Constructor Details

    • CandidatePairChangeEvent

      CandidatePairChangeEvent(IceCandidate local, IceCandidate remote, int lastDataReceivedMs, String reason, int estimatedDisconnectedTimeMs)