Package org.webrtc
package org.webrtc
ClassDescriptionInterface to handle completion of addIceCandidateImplementations of this interface can create a native
.Implementations of this interface can create a nativewebrtc::AudioEncoderFactory
.Factory for creating webrtc::AudioProcessing instances.Java wrapper for a C++ AudioSourceInterface.Java wrapper for a C++ AudioTrackInterfaceBitrateAdjuster that tracks bitrate and framerate but does not adjust them.Object that adjusts the bitrate of a hardware codec.Creates a nativewebrtc::AudioDecoderFactory
with the builtin audio decoders.This class creates a nativewebrtc::AudioEncoderFactory
with the builtin audio encoders.Representation of a change in selected ICE candidate pair.Interface for observering a capturer.Class for storing the application context and retrieving it in a static context.CryptoOptions defines advanced cryptographic settings for native WebRTC.Java wrapper for a C++ DataChannelInterface.Java version of C++ DataBuffer.Java wrapper for WebIDL RTCDataChannel.Java version of C++ DataChannelObserver.Keep in sync with DataChannelInterface::DataState.Java wrapper for a C++ DtmfSenderInterface.BitrateAdjuster that tracks the bandwidth produced by an encoder and dynamically adjusts the bitrate.Empty class for use in libjingle_peerconnection_java because all targets require at least one Java file.An encoded frame from a video stream.Factory for creating webrtc::FecControllerFactory instances.The FrameDecryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameDecryptorInterface.The FrameEncryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameEncryptorInterface.BitrateAdjuster that adjusts the bitrate to compensate for changes in the framerate.Container for static helper functions related to dealing with H264 codecs.Class for holding the native pointer of a histogram.Representation of a single ICE Candidate, mirroringIceCandidateInterface
in the C++ API.Implementation of VideoFrame.I420Buffer backed by Java direct byte buffers.Class with static JNI helper functions that are used in many places.This class is only used from to give some Java functionality that were not possible to generate in other ways due to and interface for WebRTC logging.Java wrapper for WebRTC logging.Deprecated.Description of media constraints forMediaStream
.Simple String key/value pair.Java wrapper for a C++ MediaSourceInterface.Tracks MediaSourceInterface.SourceStateJava wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamInterface.Java wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamTrackInterface.Tracks MediaStreamTrackInterface.TrackStateFactory for creating webrtc::MediaTransportFactory instances.Class holding histogram information.This class is meant to be a simple layer that only handles the JNI wrapping of a C++ AndroidVideoTrackSource, that can easily be mocked out in Java unit tests.Used from native api and implements a simple VideoCapturer.CapturerObserver that feeds frames to a webrtc::jni::AndroidVideoTrackSource.Interface for loading native libraries.Factory for creating webrtc::jni::OwnedPeerConnection instances.Implementations of this interface can create a nativewebrtc::NetEqFactory
.Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkControllerFactory instances.Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkStatePredictorFactory instances.Java-land version of the PeerConnection APIs; wraps the C++ API, which in turn is inspired by the JS APIs: and version of PeerConnectionInterface.BundlePolicyJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.CandidateNetworkPolicyJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.ContinualGatheringPolicyTracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionStateTracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringStateJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceServer.Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceTransportsTypeJava version of rtc::KeyTypeJava version of PeerConnectionObserver.Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionStateJava version of webrtc::PortPrunePolicyJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.RTCConfigurationJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.RtcpMuxPolicyJava version of webrtc::SdpSemantics.Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingStateJava version of PeerConnectionInterface.TcpCandidatePolicyTracks PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicyPeerConnectionDependencies holds all PeerConnection dependencies that are applied per PeerConnection.Java wrapper for a C++ PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.Helper class holding both Java and C++ thread info.Predicate<T>Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.Implementation of RefCounted that executes a Runnable once the ref count reaches zero.Interface for ref counted objects in WebRTC.Easily storable/serializable version of a native C++ RTCCertificatePEM.Java version of webrtc::RTCStats.Interface for receiving stats reports (see webrtc::RTCStatsCollectorCallback).Java version of webrtc::RTCStatsReport.The parameters for anRtpSender
, as defined in wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverInterface.Java wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverObserverInterfaceJava wrapper for a C++ RtpSenderInterface.Java wrapper for a C++ RtpTransceiverInterface.Java version of webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection - the ordering must be kept in sync.Tracks webrtc::RtpTransceiverInit.Interface for observing SDP-related events.Description of an RFC 4566 Session.Java-land enum version of SessionDescriptionInterface's type() string.Class for representing size of an object.The SSLCertificateVerifier interface allows API users to provide custom logic to verify certificates.Interface for observing Stats reports (see webrtc::StatsObservers).Java version of webrtc::StatsReport.Java version of webrtc::StatsReport::Value.Utility interface to be used with executeUninterruptibly() to wait for blocking operations to complete without getting interrupted..Utility class to be used for checking that a method is called on the correct thread.The TimestampAligner class helps translating camera timestamps into the same timescale as is used by rtc::TimeNanos().Java wrapper for a C++ TurnCustomizer.Represent a video codec as encoded in SDP.Enumeration of supported video codec types.Status codes reported by video encoding/decoding components.Enumeration of supported video codec types.Interface for a video decoder that can be used in WebRTC.Additional info for decoding.Settings passed to the decoder by WebRTC.Factory for creating VideoDecoders.A combined video decoder that falls back on a secondary decoder if the primary decoder fails.This class contains the Java glue code for JNI generation of VideoDecoder.Interface for a video encoder that can be used with WebRTC.Represents bitrate allocated for an encoder to produce frames.Capabilities (loss notification, etc.) passed to the encoder by WebRTC.Codec specific information about the encoded frame.Additional info for encoding.Metadata about the Encoder.Rate control parameters.Bitrate limits for resolution.Settings for WebRTC quality based scaling.Settings passed to the encoder by WebRTC.Factory for creating VideoEncoders.A combined video encoder that falls back on a secondary encoder if the primary encoder fails.This class contains the Java glue code for JNI generation of VideoEncoder.Java version of webrtc::VideoFrame and webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer.Implements image storage medium.Interface for I420 buffers.Lightweight abstraction for an object that can receive video frames, process them, and pass them on to another object.Java version of rtc::VideoSinkInterface.Java wrapper of native AndroidVideoTrackSource.Simple aspect ratio clas for use in constraining output format.Java version of VideoTrackInterface.This class provides a ClassLoader that is capable of loading WebRTC Java classes regardless of what thread it's called from.This class wraps a webrtc::I420BufferInterface into a VideoFrame.I420Buffer.Wraps a native webrtc::VideoDecoder.Wraps a native webrtc::VideoEncoder.Wraps libyuv methods to Java.