Package org.webrtc

Class IceCandidateErrorEvent


public final class IceCandidateErrorEvent extends Object
  • Field Details

    • address

      public final String address
      The local IP address used to communicate with the STUN or TURN server.
    • port

      public final int port
      The port used to communicate with the STUN or TURN server.
    • url

      public final String url
      The STUN or TURN URL that identifies the STUN or TURN server for which the failure occurred.
    • errorCode

      public final int errorCode
      The numeric STUN error code returned by the STUN or TURN server. If no host candidate can reach the server, errorCode will be set to the value 701 which is outside the STUN error code range. This error is only fired once per server URL while in the RTCIceGatheringState of "gathering".
    • errorText

      public final String errorText
      The STUN reason text returned by the STUN or TURN server. If the server could not be reached, errorText will be set to an implementation-specific value providing details about the error.
  • Constructor Details

    • IceCandidateErrorEvent

      public IceCandidateErrorEvent(String address, int port, String url, int errorCode, String errorText)