Package org.webrtc

Class NativeAndroidVideoTrackSource


class NativeAndroidVideoTrackSource extends Object
This class is meant to be a simple layer that only handles the JNI wrapping of a C++ AndroidVideoTrackSource, that can easily be mocked out in Java unit tests. Refrain from adding any unnecessary logic to this class. This class is thred safe and methods can be called from any thread, but if frames A, B, ..., are sent to adaptFrame(), the adapted frames adaptedA, adaptedB, ..., needs to be passed in the same order to onFrameCaptured().
  • Field Details

    • nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource

      private final long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource
  • Constructor Details

    • NativeAndroidVideoTrackSource

      public NativeAndroidVideoTrackSource(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource)
  • Method Details

    • setState

      public void setState(boolean isLive)
      Set the state for the native MediaSourceInterface. Maps boolean to either SourceState::kLive or SourceState::kEnded.
    • adaptFrame

      @Nullable public VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters adaptFrame(VideoFrame frame)
      This function should be called before delivering any frame to determine if the frame should be dropped or what the cropping and scaling parameters should be. If the return value is null, the frame should be dropped, otherwise the frame should be adapted in accordance to the frame adaptation parameters before calling onFrameCaptured().
    • onFrameCaptured

      public void onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame frame)
      Pass an adapted frame to the native AndroidVideoTrackSource. Note that adaptFrame() is expected to be called first and that the passed frame conforms to those parameters.
    • adaptOutputFormat

      public void adaptOutputFormat(VideoSource.AspectRatio targetLandscapeAspectRatio, @Nullable Integer maxLandscapePixelCount, VideoSource.AspectRatio targetPortraitAspectRatio, @Nullable Integer maxPortraitPixelCount, @Nullable Integer maxFps)
      Calling this function will cause frames to be scaled down to the requested resolution. Also, frames will be cropped to match the requested aspect ratio, and frames will be dropped to match the requested fps.
    • setIsScreencast

      public void setIsScreencast(boolean isScreencast)
    • createFrameAdaptationParameters

      static VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters createFrameAdaptationParameters(int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight, long timestampNs, boolean drop)
    • nativeSetIsScreencast

      private static void nativeSetIsScreencast(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, boolean isScreencast)
    • nativeSetState

      private static void nativeSetState(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, boolean isLive)
    • nativeAdaptOutputFormat

      private static void nativeAdaptOutputFormat(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, int landscapeWidth, int landscapeHeight, @Nullable Integer maxLandscapePixelCount, int portraitWidth, int portraitHeight, @Nullable Integer maxPortraitPixelCount, @Nullable Integer maxFps)
    • nativeAdaptFrame

      @Nullable private static VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters nativeAdaptFrame(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, int width, int height, int rotation, long timestampNs)
    • nativeOnFrameCaptured

      private static void nativeOnFrameCaptured(long nativeAndroidVideoTrackSource, int rotation, long timestampNs, VideoFrame.Buffer buffer)