Package org.webrtc

Interface VideoEncoderFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VideoEncoderFactory
Factory for creating VideoEncoders.
  • Method Details

    • createEncoder

      @Nullable VideoEncoder createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo info)
      Creates an encoder for the given video codec.
    • getSupportedCodecs

      VideoCodecInfo[] getSupportedCodecs()
      Enumerates the list of supported video codecs. This method will only be called once and the result will be cached.
    • getImplementations

      default VideoCodecInfo[] getImplementations()
      Enumerates the list of supported video codecs that can also be tagged with implementation information. This method will only be called once and the result will be cached.
    • getEncoderSelector

      default VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector getEncoderSelector()
      Returns a VideoEncoderSelector if implemented by the VideoEncoderFactory, null otherwise.