Class JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      private Builder(Object context)
  • Method Details

    • setSampleRate

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setSampleRate(int sampleRate)
      Call this method if the default handling of querying the native sample rate shall be overridden. Can be useful on some devices where the available Android APIs are known to return invalid results.
    • setInputSampleRate

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setInputSampleRate(int inputSampleRate)
      Call this method to specifically override input sample rate.
    • setOutputSampleRate

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setOutputSampleRate(int outputSampleRate)
      Call this method to specifically override output sample rate.
    • setAudioSource

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioSource(int audioSource)
      Call this to change the audio source. The argument should be one of the values from The default is AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION.
    • setAudioFormat

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioFormat(int audioFormat)
      Call this to change the audio format. The argument should be one of the values from ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, ENCODING_PCM_16BIT or ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT. Default audio data format is PCM 16 bit per sample. Guaranteed to be supported by all devices.
    • setAudioTrackErrorCallback

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioTrackErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback audioTrackErrorCallback)
      Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioTrack.
    • setAudioRecordErrorCallback

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioRecordErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback audioRecordErrorCallback)
      Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioRecord.
    • setSamplesReadyCallback

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setSamplesReadyCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback samplesReadyCallback)
      Set a callback to listen to the raw audio input from the AudioRecord.
    • setAudioTrackStateCallback

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioTrackStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback audioTrackStateCallback)
      Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioTrack on when audio starts and stop.
    • setAudioRecordStateCallback

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioRecordStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback audioRecordStateCallback)
      Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioRecord on when audio starts and stops.
    • setUseHardwareNoiseSuppressor

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setUseHardwareNoiseSuppressor(boolean useHardwareNoiseSuppressor)
      Control if the built-in HW noise suppressor should be used or not. The default is on if it is supported. It is possible to query support by calling isBuiltInNoiseSuppressorSupported().
    • setUseHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setUseHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler(boolean useHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler)
      Control if the built-in HW acoustic echo canceler should be used or not. The default is on if it is supported. It is possible to query support by calling isBuiltInAcousticEchoCancelerSupported().
    • setUseStereoInput

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setUseStereoInput(boolean useStereoInput)
      Control if stereo input should be used or not. The default is mono.
    • setUseStereoOutput

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setUseStereoOutput(boolean useStereoOutput)
      Control if stereo output should be used or not. The default is mono.
    • setUseLowLatency

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setUseLowLatency(boolean useLowLatency)
      Control if the low-latency mode should be used. The default is disabled.
    • setEnableVolumeLogger

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setEnableVolumeLogger(boolean enableVolumeLogger)
      Disables the volume logger on the audio output track.
    • createAudioDeviceModule

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule createAudioDeviceModule()
      Construct an AudioDeviceModule based on the supplied arguments. The caller takes ownership and is responsible for calling release().
    • setAudioRecordListener

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioRecordListener(IAudioRecordListener iAudioRecordListener)
    • setAudioTrackListener

      public JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder setAudioTrackListener(IAudioTrackListener iAudioTrackListener)