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Record Streams To AWS S3

In order to programmatically access S3, you should have an access token and secret keys. You can create a programmatic user to have an access token and secret key from the AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) console.



Just add a user by checking the Programmatic Access box and then in the next section, click Attach existing policies directly and add AmazonS3FullAccess access permission to this user. Copy the access token and secret key for this user.



Right now, you should have the access token, secret key, and bucket name in your hand.


You also need to know the region of your bucket. If you do not have any bucket, you can create it on S3 Console




Here you see the sample S3 credentials. You need to set to yours:

Then, log in to http://your_ams_server:5080, enable Record Live Streams as MP4 and Enable S3 Recording, enter the S3 credentials you have created, and save the settings.


Your MP4 files and Preview files will be uploaded to your S3 Storage automatically.

Play recorded VOD files from an AWS S3 bucket using the embedded web player

If you would like to embed the VODs stored in an AWS S3 bucket, you need to configure CORS parameters on AWS S3 bucket Permissions.

CORS parameters of the AWS S3 bucket should be modified so that the requests that are coming from another origin to play the VODs can be processed.

Go to your AWS -> Services -> S3 -> Buckets -> "Your Bucket" -> Permissions

At the bottom of the page, there is Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). The CORS configuration, written in JSON, defines a way for client web applications that are loaded in one domain to interact with resources in a different domain."

Click Edit and paste the code provided below:

You need to put your AMS domain address to the allowed origins field.

"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": []

* on the origin field, as it accepts requests from all origins, can be used for quick testing. However, it can be changed to allow permissions for exact origins, such as since you only want to accept requests that are coming from your end.