Overcoming Restricted Networks for WebRTC with Ant Media Server
Imagine being in a restricted network environment where only HTTP/HTTPS ports are open to the outside world, and you want to publish and play WebRTC streams using Ant Media Server. Network restrictions can prevent WebRTC from functioning properly in such a scenario. In this document, we will show you how to overcome these limitations using a TURN server and Ant Media Server.
TURN Server Installation
- First, update your package list and install the Coturn server:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install coturn certbot -y
- To run Coturn on ports below 1024, make the following changes:
sed -i -e 's/^User=.*/User=root/' -e 's/^Group=.*/Group=root/' /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/coturn.service
systemctl daemon-reload
- Create a SSL certificate by using Let's Encrypt (Or you can use your own SSL certificates)
sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d {YOUR-DOMAIN}
- Update the TURN server configuration file (/etc/turnserver.conf) with these parameters:
- Apply the changes by restarting Coturn:
systemctl restart coturn
- Verify that everything is running correctly:
lsof -i:80 -i:443
Once the TURN server is running, you can test its functionality to ensure proper configuration using this address.
Ant Media Server Installation
Install the Ant Media Server or launch it from any cloud marketplace.
Once SSL setup is complete, log in to your Ant Media Server at
, select the application you want to use, and navigate to Settings > Advanced. Update the following fields according to your TURN server configuration and save the settings:
- Update the TURN credentials in your client-side code. For the default sample files (samples/publish_webrtc.html and samples/player.html), modify the ICE configuration:
var pc_config =
'iceServers': [
'urls': 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302'
'urls': 'turn:your-turn-server-address:443?transport=tcp',
'username': 'your-turn-server-username',
'credential': 'your-turn-server-password'
Setting up a TURN server and configuring it with Ant Media Server allows you to seamlessly use WebRTC in restricted networks where only HTTP/HTTPS ports are open. This solution ensures uninterrupted communication with the outside world, enabling reliable video streaming through Ant Media Server.