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Version: 2.12

WebRTC Peer-To-Peer

In Peer-to-Peer Mode, two or more peers can connect with each other without relaying the audio or video from the server; there will be a direct peer-to-peer connection from one peer to another.

In this case, Ant Media Server will only act as a Signaling server, which will help peers establish a WebRTC connection by exchanging some messages.

Let's see a simple example for joining a peer-to-peer live stream call with Ant Media using the JavaScript SDK.

WebRTC P2P Live Sample

  • Navigate to the P2P sample page here at Code Pen.

  • Comment import from directory and uncomment import from URL. It should look something like this.

    import  {WebRTCAdaptor} from  "";
    //import { WebRTCAdaptor } from './node_modules/@antmedia/webrtc_adaptor/src/main/js/webrtc_adaptor.js';
  • Click the join button.

  • Open this page on a new tab and join from there.

Create P2P Sample For Deployment

  • Create a new file , name it peer.html

  • make sure HTTP server is running in same directory

    python3 -m http.server
  • Copy the above code from the HTML and JS sections in the peer.html file as below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<video id="localVideo" autoplay controls width=480px height=360px></video>
<video id="remoteVideo" controls autoplay playsinline width="480" height="360"></video>
<input type=text placeholder="p2p room id" id="roomid">
<button id="joinroom">join</button>


<script type="module">
import { WebRTCAdaptor } from './node_modules/@antmedia/webrtc_adaptor/src/main/js/webrtc_adaptor.js';

var webRTCAdaptor = new WebRTCAdaptor({
websocket_url: "wss://",
remoteVideoElement: document.getElementById("remoteVideo"),
localVideoElement: document.getElementById("localVideo"),

callback: (info, obj) => {
console.log("callback info: " + info);
if (info == "play_started") {
console.log("publish started");
statusInfo.innerHTML = "Playing - Stream Id:" + streamId;
else if (info == "play_finished") {
console.log("publish finished")
statusInfo.innerHTML = "Offline"


document.getElementById("joinroom").addEventListener("click",()=> {
var roomid = document.getElementById("roomid").value;
var status = document.getElementById("joinroom");

if(status.innerHTML =="join"){
status.innerHTML = "leave";
status.innerHTML = "join";


Open the peer.html page in the browser http://localhost:8000/peer.html (make sure python server is up and running)

  • Accept microphone and camera usage permissions.

  • Click the join button.

  • Open the same page on a new tab and join from there.

If the stream does not start publishing / playing, open the developer console on the HTML page and check for any errors.


WebRTCAdaptor Class is responsible for handling WebSocket Messages and WebRTC Connections with the server. One WebRTCAdapter can be used to join a peer room.

var webRTCAdaptor = new WebRTCAdaptor(prams....)

The WebRTCAdaptor takes various parameters; all parameters are listed here.

WebRTCAdaptor Parameters

WebSocket URL

  • WebSocket URL is the server URL of your Ant Media Server. Check out this page to install Ant Media Server, or for testing purposes, this URL can be used.

  • Web socket URL format.


    For example, wss://

  • If HTTP, protocol = ws or if HTTPS protocol = wss

If Ant Media is running on HTTP, the websocket URL should connect to the port 5080 instead of 5443.

Multiple applications can be created in Ant Media to which streams can be played / published; use the correct application name in WebSocket URL to played / published to that application.



This should point to the video element that will show this stream.



This should point to the video element that will have the video, which will be streamed to other peer.



Messages & notifications sent from the server will be received in this callback. This includes notifications like publish_started, play_started, publish_timeout , data channel messages, etc.

WebRTC Adaptor

  • WebRTCAdaptor join function joins a room of peers and keeps waiting for another peer to connect; once the other peer connects, it starts to establish direct P2P connections with the other peers.
  • Stops Playing / Publishing WebRTC Streams.