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Version: 2.12

Pre-Requisite For React Native SDK

Software Requirements

  • Android Studio (IDE)
  • Android SDK
  • Java
  • NodeJs
  • NPM
  • React Native CLI

First of all, you’re required to install the node on your system. If your machine already has Node.js installed, then skip this step.

Node JS Installation

Download the latest Node.js from here:

Once the setup is downloaded on your system, run the .msi downloaded file and follow the prompt instructions to install the application.

Furthermore, make ascertain that the Node and NPM have been installed.

Use the below commands to check the version:

node -v
npm –v

React Native CLI

Use the below command to install React Native CLI.

 npm install -g react-native-cli

Android Development Environment

Download & Install the Android Studio

The Android Studio lets you run the Reactive Native application in an emulator and test the application.

Verify React Native Installation

We’ll be building a sample project using React Native by running the following command:

react-native init MySampleApp

Now, run below commands in the terminal from the folder where you have created the application.

react-native start
react-native run-android

Make sure you’ve started the emulator on your machine. This is what the sample project will look like in the emulator: