Sending Notifications to Web and Mobile Clients:
Send Test Notification from Firebase Console
Once the iOS app is set up, you can send a test push notification from the Firebase console to ensure everything is working properly.
- Go to Firebase Console and navigate to the Cloud Messaging tab.
- Click on "Send your first message."
- Input the title and body of the notification.
- Select your iOS app and click "Send."
You should receive the notification on your device if everything is correctly configured.
Send Notification from Ant Media Server
We are ready to send push notifications. You can send your push notifications through the Ant Media Server in a secure way. All you need to do is call the sendPushNotification function. You can use the HTML page below to be able to send push notification:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<script type="module">
import { WebRTCAdaptor } from "./js/webrtc_adaptor.js"
//Define the subscriberId and it can be any subscriber Id
var subscriberId = "";
var sendNotificationToSubscriber = "";
//Get auth token for Ant Media Server to authenticate the user.
//it's JWT token generated with Subscription Authentication Key(subscriptionAuthenticationKey) in Application settings with subscriberId claim and it's value.
//PushNotificationRestService can also be used to generate the authToken
var authToken = "";
//this is the token get from FCM or APN
var pushNotificationToken = "";
var pushNotificationService = "apn"; //fcm or apn
//Register push notification token to Ant Media Server. It makes the user receive push notification.
function registerPushNotificationToken() {
webRTCAdaptor.registerPushNotificationToken(subscriberId, authToken, pushNotificationToken, pushNotificationService);
//Send push notification to the subscriber
function sendPushNotification(sendNotificationToSubscriber) {
console.log("send push notification --");
webRTCAdaptor.sendPushNotification(subscriberId, authToken, {"title":"This is a test message", "apn-topic":"io.antmedia.ios.webrtc.sample"}, [sendNotificationToSubscriber]);
var webRTCAdaptor = new WebRTCAdaptor({
websocket_url: "ws://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/websocket",
isPlayMode: true,
callback : function(info, obj) {
console.log("info:", info, "obj:", obj);
if (info === "initialized") {
}, 2000);
} else if (info === "play_started") {
} else if (info === "play_finished") {