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Version: 2.12

User defined Scripts

User defined scripts are run automatically by the Ant Media Server after the MP4 Muxing process (recording) finishes or VoD upload process finishes. It enables users to make some changes on the mp4 file. A few examples:

  1. Creating different resolutions for VoD serving ( Using adaptive bitrate on the fly will spend more resources, you can just transcode once for each VoD with your own user defined script after every muxing operations )

  2. Merging VoDs with ffmpeg

  3. Adding some watermark to VoDs after the stream is saved.

You can get creative with user-defined scripts, there are no limits. They are called after each streams recording process is finished or each VoD upload process is finished.

MP4 muxing(recording) finish process

 It will work after the MP4 Muxing(recording) process finishes. Let’s have a look at that step by step.

  1. Define run script location in App Settings
  2. Script running instructions

Define MP4 muxing run script location in App Settings

Add script setting in [AMS-DIR]/webapps/applications(LiveApp or etc.)/WEB-INF/



Example Usage:


Save the file and restart the server

sudo service antmedia restart

The script should be able to executable permission

Mark the file as executable with below code:

chmod +x

Setting References: settings.muxerFinishScript Setting

MP4 Muxing script usage instructions

After the muxing process is finished, the AMS runs the following code snippets.

scriptFilePath fullPathOfMP4File


~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4

When script is finished successfully, AMS writes in INFO log as a below:

running muxer finish script: ~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4

VoD upload finish process

It will work after the VoD upload process finishes. Let’s have a look at that step by step.

  1. Define run script location in App Settings
  2. Script running instructions

Define VoD upload run script location in App Settings

Add script setting in [AMS-DIR] / webapps / applications(LiveApp or etc.) / WEB-INF /



Example Usage:


Save the file and restart the server

sudo service antmedia restart

The script should be able to executable permission

Mark the file as executable with below code:

chmod +x

Setting References: settings.vodUploadFinishScript Setting

VoD Upload script usage instructions

After the VoD upload process is finished, the AMS runs the following code snippets.

scriptFilePath fullPathOfMP4File


~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4

When script finished successfully, AMS writes in INFO log as a below:

running muxer finish script: ~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4

Transcode and Play uploaded VoD files as HLS in AMS without Broadcasting.

To convert uploaded VOD to HLS with different bitrates, please follow the below steps:

1. Download the VOD-to-HLS Transcoding Script

Use the following command to download the script onto your server:


2. Grant Execute Permissions

After downloading, provide execute permission to the script with this command:

chmod +x

3. Default Transcoding Settings

By default, the script transcodes to 240p, 480p, and 720p resolutions, with the output stored in the following directory. You can adjust the resolutions and directory as needed:


4. Configure VOD Upload Script

Update the advanced settings of your application by adding the following line to trigger the script after VOD uploads:


5. Upload a VOD File

Upload your VOD file to the configured application. The script will automatically transcode it into HLS format and save it in your target directory.

6. Access the Transcoded HLS Files

In the target directory, you’ll find a master M3U8 file and resolution-specific M3U8 files. Use the following URL format to play the HLS stream:


Strip Video from a Stream Recording in Ant Media Server

1. Create the Script




#create the bash script to remove video from the recorded file and save it with same id again

# Don't forget to change the Ant Media Server App Name


cd /usr/local/antmedia/$AMS_APP_NAME/LiveApp/streams/

# Add metadata using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i "$file" -c copy -vn "$temp_file"

# Replace the original file with the new file
mv "$temp_file" "$file"

2. Grant Execute Permission

Make the script executable:

sudo chmod +x /home/ubuntu/

3. Configure Ant Media Server

Access the AMS Web Management Console.Navigate to your application's Advanced Settings, locate the muxerFinishScript property.

"muxerFinishScript": "/home/ubuntu/"

4. Publish and Stop a Stream:

  • Use a tool or platform (e.g., OBS) to publish a stream to AMS.
  • Stop the stream.
  • Once stopped, the script will be triggered automatically.

5. Verify Script Execution:

If successful, you should see a log entry similar to:

2024-07-02 20:53:29,777 [vert.x-worker-thread-86] INFO i.a.AntMediaApplicationAdapter - completing script: /home/ubuntu/  /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test.mp4 with return value 0
Verify the File: The original MP4 file should now only contain audio.

Automatically Transfer VoD Files to S3 Using Ant Media Server

When S3 integration is enabled on AMS, recorded VODs are automatically uploaded to the S3 bucket. However, manually uploaded VOD files are not. You can use the script below to upload all VODs to S3.

1. Install FFmpeg on Ant Media Server (AMS)

Use the following commands to update your package list and install FFmpeg:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y

2. Save and Configure the Script

  • Download or Create the Script Save the following script as under /usr/local/antmedia/
#Installation Instructions
#apt-get update && apt-get install ffmpeg -y
#vim [AMS-DIR]/webapps/applications(LiveApp or etc.)/WEB-INF/
#sudo service antmedia restart

#Check if AWS CLI is installed
if [ -z "$(which aws)" ]; then
rm -r aws* > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Installing AWS CLI..."
curl "" -o "" > /dev/null 2>&1
unzip > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo ./aws/install
echo "AWS CLI installed."
rm -r aws*


# AWS Configuration
aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $AWS_SECRET_KEY
aws configure set region $AWS_REGION
aws configure set output json

mv $tmpfile "${tmpfile%.*}.mp4_tmp"
ffmpeg -i "${tmpfile%.*}.mp4_tmp" -c copy -map 0 -movflags +faststart $tmpfile
rm "${tmpfile%.*}.mp4_tmp"

aws s3 cp $tmpfile s3://$AWS_BUCKET_NAME/streams/ --acl public-read

if [ $? != 0 ]; then
logger "$tmpfile failed to copy file to S3."
if [ "$DELETE_LOCAL_FILE" == "Y" ]; then
aws s3api head-object --bucket $AWS_BUCKET_NAME --key streams/$(basename $tmpfile)
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
rm -rf $tmpfile
logger "$tmpfile deleted."
  • Set Execute Permissions Make the script executable by running:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/antmedia/
  • Add AWS Credentials Open the script and replace the placeholders for AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_REGION, and AWS_BUCKET_NAME with your AWS credentials and bucket details.

3. Configure Ant Media Server to Use the Script

  • Open Ant Media Server's Web Panel.
  • Go to Applications → Advanced Settings.
  • Set the following property:
"vodUploadFinishScript": "/usr/local/antmedia/"

4. Restart Ant Media Server

Restart the Ant Media Server to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart antmedia

5. Upload and Test VoD Files

Upload any VoD file to your application. The file will be automatically transcoded and uploaded to the specified S3 bucket.