Creating Impact Through Streaming
Join us on this exciting journey
If you’ve landed on this page, it’s not by chance – it’s a step towards building a connection. We see potential friendships, partnerships, and a future where our hearts and minds align in purpose. The words on this page are not just inscriptions but an echo of our beliefs, our mission, and our passion. We hope they resonate with you, enticing us to share a cup of coffee one day, and journey together.
This isn’t just an “About Us” page. It’s a pledge from our hearts and minds to engage with like-minded individuals in a shared mission. We hope you’re one of them and that together, we can create something extraordinary together.
Our journey consists of:
- About Ant Media
- Our Purpose (Hearts) – Why?
- Our Values (Minds) – How?
- Our Goal – What?
- Our Manifesto – Detailed elaboration on our Purpose (Hearts) and Values (Minds)
- Let’s have coffee together.
About Ant Media
But our purpose extends beyond the technical. It’s a journey of finding life’s meaning. I’ve discovered that titles, cars, money, winning, and striving to be the best don’t fulfill me. Even leaving behind an inspiring body of work doesn’t fully resonate with my purpose. Instead, I’ve found a deeper meaning in building something significant with Ant Media. Surprisingly, it’s not about me – it’s about you. That’s why this About Us page exists, and I hope it allows us to become friends and partners in this endeavor.
Our Purpose(Hearts) - Why?
Our purpose is to democratize live streaming, making interactivity (video, audio, data) as mainstream as websites are today. We aim to simplify the complex and technical process of streaming, ensuring anyone with a story to tell can do so without barriers. This purpose improves communication between people, making the world a better place through online meetings, e-learning, interactivity, fun, commercials, IoT, telehealth, and more.
Our deeper purpose is to demonstrate that people who focus on the same goal – no matter their location or background – can collaborate and create something with a positive, significant impact on the world. We hope to inspire you and others to take proactive action, without waiting for or blaming anything. We believe that this inspiration can make the world a better place in all aspects.
Our purpose aims to connect hearts, and we believe the minds must find their own answers. We hope our purpose resonates with you, and that we share a mindset. Now, let’s address the minds through our values.
Our Values(Minds) - How?
- Transparency: Everything should be clear and transparent, including financials, salaries, roadmaps, issues, bugs, and communication.
- Win-Win: Foster win-win relationships in both financial and emotional terms with colleagues, community, users, developers, partners, and the ecosystem.
- Fun: Friends have fun together. We should spend more time together and find more ways to enjoy ourselves.
- Make it Better: Focus on the goal and provide a solution. Perfection isn’t necessary, just strive to make it better with each iteration, as with Ant Media Server.
- Challenge: Life becomes exciting when we embrace challenges, just like the goal outlined below.
- KISS: Keep it Simple and Stupid, a timeless principle we uphold.
Our Goal - What?
We aim to enable developers, users, partners to sell their plugins, applications, projects, services on top of Ant Media Server to address user needs through the Ant Media Marketplace.
Our Manifesto
Our manifesto is a collection of guiding principles and behaviors that define who we are and how we work:
- Aim for exponential growth, think about how to achieve 10x, 100x advancements.
- Understand the core of what you’re doing, helping, saying. Don’t skim the surface of the problem; dive deep into it.
- Walk the journey with our users, understanding their needs and perspectives.
- Genuinely strive to assist people in resolving their issues or fulfilling their needs. Engage with each user as if they were a trusted friend whom you are eager to help
- Exhibit empathy: constantly ask yourself, ‘If I were the user, would I be satisfied with the solution I’m providing?
- Win hearts and minds
- Dedicate 20 minutes every day to self-improvement. Read a book, watch a video, learn something new.
- Share both good and bad news openly. Celebrate successes and learn from failures as a team.
- Always seek win-win relationships. If a user can’t afford a license, let’s find alternative win-win solutions.
- Remember that this journey should be enjoyed. This is a game, and we should relish every moment.
- Find your internal motivation that aligns with Ant Media’s mission. Work for something that’s meaningful to you.
- Avoid gossip and foster open, honest communication.
- Help people outside the business in economical or social ways. Make a positive impact on the world.
- Solve problems permanently. Don’t waste time addressing the same issue multiple times.
- Don’t be a mere employee; be part of the purpose. Live the mission.
- Always consider the long-term advantages over the short-term benefits.
- Welcome feedback and feedforward. Don’t be defensive; use criticism as a stepping stone to improvement.
- Be open to new ideas and be ready to test them.
- Strive for continuous improvement, rather than perfection.
- Ensure every action item aligns with our goal.
- Stay hungry, stay foolish. Never settle or become complacent.
- Respect our limits. We are humans, not machines. Avoid burnout.
- Be the change you want to see.
- Accept your failures and lack of knowledge. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Prioritize tasks effectively. Not everything is urgent.
- Improve processes, make life easier, and remove bottlenecks.
- Take responsibility. Don’t wait for others to act; be proactive.
- Be part of the solution. You might be the cause of the problem that’s causing you distress.
Let’s have coffee together
If what you’ve read above resonates with you, regardless of your location, background, or profession—whether you’re a developer, marketer, activist, lawyer, director, student, or any other role—we would love to meet you. Let’s discuss how we can join forces to make our lives more meaningful and our work more impactful.
As a token of our appreciation, we’ll send you a gift card so you can enjoy a coffee or a small gift from us.