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Version: 2.12

Updating AMS with CloudFormation

If you have installed Ant Media Server with Cloudformation and then want to update it, simply follow the steps below.

By following these instructions, you can upgrade your Ant Media Server AWS cluster and also retain all your existing settings without affecting the MongoDB configuration.

NOTE: Please note that your old Instances will be terminated after this update.

1. Login to your AWS console and Navigate to EC2 > Launch Templates.

2. Select the Launch templates for the your-stack-AntMedia-LaunchTemplateOrigin template and click on Actions > Modify template (Create a new version)

3. Go to Application and Operating System Images (Amazon Machine Image) and search for “Ant Media Server Enterprise” in the Search field.

And Subscribe to Ant Media Server Enterprise from here.

4. In the network settings section, select Select existing security group then Save it.

Make all these settings for the Edge template as well.

5. Now go to EC2 > Auto Scaling groups and select OriginGroup. In this section, set Desired and Minimum Capacity to 0 in Groups details.

6. Then go to Launch template.

Here select Version Latest and Update.

7. Go to Groups details and update the Desired and Minimum Capacity as in previous settings.

That's it. Your Instances will now run with the latest version of Ant Media Server.

NOTE: Please make all these settings for the Edge template as well.

If you have any questions, please just drop a line to