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The 4th Real-Time Streaming Hackathon has come to an end, and it was like a big online gathering of creative minds from all over the world. They got together to try out cool things with Ant Media Server. Now, as we think back on this exciting adventure, it’s clear that this hackathon wasn’t just a contest. It was more like a party where everyone was celebrating new ideas and working together.

Participants have built streaming applications or plugins on top of Ant Media Server to solve real-world problems! Before we dive into the challenge and get to know the participants and their solutions, let’s meet the team Jury!

The Team Jury


The hackathon journey was guided by a distinguished panel of judges, including Yash Tandon and Burak KekeƧ from Ant Media, and Hamit Mermerkaya, CTO of

What is brought an extra layer of expertise to the evaluation process with their cutting-edge Volumetric Video Capturing & Streaming technology. This groundbreaking technology allows participants and enthusiasts to move freely, explore every angle, and truly feel like they are part of the live-action unfolding before their eyes.

Real-Time Streaming Hackers!

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We’d like to extend our appreciation to all the teams that participated in the 4th Real-Time Streaming Hackathon. While not every solution made it to the finals, we recognize the hard work and dedication put forth by all participants. Unfortunately, eleven teams couldn’t complete their solutions in time for the finals, but we encourage and hope that they will continue their endeavors.

We understand that the journey of innovation comes with its set of challenges, and we’re confident that these teams will refine and complete their solutions. As a testament to our commitment to supporting the entire community, we look forward to listing their completed projects on the Ant Media marketplace, providing them with the recognition they deserve.

šŸ„‡ 1st Place: Tan Do & Video Analytics for Retail Stores powered by CamOS

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Tan Do’s surveillance camera management app and its new features, CamOS, secured the top spot. The integration of the Ant Media Server empowered the app to offer retailers invaluable insights into customer behavior, employee interactions, and overall security. The application’s video analytics not only enhances customer experiences but also aids retailers in optimizing store layouts and product placements.

Congratulations, Tan Do, on your well-deserved 1st place victory!

šŸ„ˆ 2nd Place: Rahul Kumar & StreamSphere

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Rahul Kumar’s StreamSphere emerged as a versatile content creator and viewer platform. Enabling seamless streaming content creation, the platform boasts features such as live streaming, VODs, chat, subscriptions, and a secure payment gateway. Streamers now have a dynamic space to monetize their content of choice.

Congratulations, Rahul Kumar, for securing the well-deserved 2nd place!

šŸ„‰ 3rd Place: Balazs Jantek & Prometheus Exporter

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Balazs Jantek’s Prometheus Exporter implements a plugin that exports server telemetry data in the industry-standard Prometheus format. This integration allows for seamless connectivity with open-source observability stacks and SaaS solutions.

Kudos to Balazs for their stellar 3rd-place achievement!

šŸ… Finalist: Richard and Axel & DRMserver for Ant Media Server

Richard and Axel’s DRMserver enhances content protection, ensuring secure streaming experiences with Ant Media Server.

RichƔrd ƁdƔm and Axel OrszƔg-Krisz were the participants in all previous Hackathons by Ant Media. Thank you for being with us and developing this amazing DRMserver.

šŸ… Finalist: Thanat Angthong & Teleclinic Voice Integration for Disability

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Thanat Angthong’s application focuses on creating a synthesized voice patient profile through AI and text-to-speech services. This profile is then utilized to stream medical consultations, offering a transformative solution for individuals with disabilities.

A big thank goes to Thanat for being there with us!

šŸ… Finalist: Tan Do & CloudyTV

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Tan has developed 2 solutions for this time. CloudyTV simplifies IPTV streaming, providing content owners and broadcasters with a quick and efficient solution to kickstart a world-class IPTV channel in just 10 minutes.

Thank you Tan!

Now it is time to list the solutions on Ant Media Marketplace

We walk hand in hand with our users, Hackathon participants, and partnersā€”let’s affectionately refer to them as friends. Ant Media marketplace is available for all kinds of streaming applications. If you have a solution that can be listed on the Ant Media marketplace, you can fill out the marketplace entry form!

We’ll grow together.

To stay tuned you can follow us on Linkedin.

And more…

We’ll promote your solutions to our users!

Here is what we can do to help you increase awareness of your applications and bring first customers: 

Democratizing the Future of Streaming

We aim to democratize the streaming world. Ant Media Server will be the “WordPress of streaming” and we’ll achieve this all together! We’ll create a better future!

Be part of the solution!

Do you also want to develop a streaming application or plugin on top of Ant Media Server? Feel free to explore our Github repositories and reference guides on popular SDKsthe documentation or join the community discussions to learn more about the Ant Media Server and demos of Ant Media Server are available on the website.

You can either deploy AMS on your premises or use any cloud platform for the deployment options including 1-click apps on popular cloud marketplaces such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, and Google Cloud.

You’ll need an enterprise license. No worries because a free trial is available. I know that 14 days won’t be enough for the development process. Well, you are part of the solution, right? I can happily share a long free trial term for your development purposes.

Do you want to reach out? Drop an email to me at

See you around my friends!

Categories: Announcement

Umut Yılmaz

Umut is a Partnership Manager at Ant Media, a customer-centric account, solution, and relationship manager with 9 years of experience in sales and account management. He has proven abilities in identifying and creating value-based relationships and delivering memorable customer experiences. Umut has successfully identified and developed strategic partnerships to drive product growth.
